Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Commes des Garcons

At this fragrance site BaseNotes, I came across this review for a for a fragrance that had caught my nose first in Berlin - Comme des Garçons Avignon - a powerful scent that was supposed to envoke the vibes of a 15th Centrury cathedrale. This remarkable review deserves attention:

"Avignon: opening to mid notes, this has one of most INTENSE "Frankinsence" note. its as if i was put inside a chest filled with Frankinsence for over the last century or so, its very very very intense. it takes almost an hour for this rustic note ot wear off; then revealing the altar surroung it with massive ceilings and aged stone which has absorbed the soot from this incense for as long as mankind. the coldness of the stone is to be sniffed to be believed. by the time i reached the base i encountered the infamous "dust" notes giving the basenotes a very ambery, dry feel with hints of burnt woods. A priest would defintiely find this interesting. wearable? well, couple of wears will tell me if it i could wear to it work, i dont wanna end up conducting a Mass..
This one is potent, exciting and unlike any other scent i have sniffed before, however, the smell is not unfamiliar, every christian knows this smell. if one would like to know how this smells, please go to the nearest church."

This would be the perfect scent for me as it covers all the bases. Here's why:

"its as if i was put inside a chest filled with Frankinsence for over the last centrury or so"
I was very much hoping to smell like a 100 year old corpse - this is a good start.

-I was after something that was very very intense but I wonder if very very very intense might be overdoing it a touch.

"aged stone which has absorbed the soot from this incense for as long as mankind"
I just love the idea of wearing something that harks back to the beginning our human lives on this planet (even though humankind can be traced back circa 200,000 years and the fact that the oldest Church that has ever been discovered dates from the late third century in the {Jordanian port city of Aqaba} highlighting a 198,300 year discrepancy since the dawn of man and the soot absorbed stone of this church).

"the coldness of the stone is to be sniffed to be believed"
I too only believe that something is cold once I have smelt it - this fragrance is a perfect match for me.


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